Specialty Tires and Wheels Solution Provider

Update Time: 2020-03-17

What's the benefit of Solid OTR tires ?

There are many applications in which pneumatic OTR tires perform extremely well. On the other hand, there are applications that go beyond a pneumatic tire’s capabilities: transfer stations, scrap yards, and steel mills, to name a few.

Because of this, many dealers offer tire fill to address the toughest applications with a pneumatic tire – but there also are other options, like a press-on solid (POS) or molded OTR product.

The molded tire comes complete with a steel wheel. The rubber is extruded onto the steel wheel until the desired overall diameter (OD) is obtained. Generally the steel wheel is much larger compared to the standard 25-inch rim used for a solid OTR tire, though the OD can vary by manufacturer.The larger the steel wheel, the less rubber is required. Of course, this could affect the total hours obtained, plus the ride can be very rough.
